Microsoft Word Writing Practice Templatedownload Free Apps

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  1. Microsoft Word Writing Practice Template Download Free Apps Download
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Microsoft Word Writing Practice Template Download Free Apps Download

  • Westlaw Edge Drafting Assistant
    Upload a document to: Insert a table of authorities, format citations, check quotes, and keycites all the cases. More information.
  • Shepard's Brieflink (via Lexis Advance)
    Upload a brief or other document (in Word format) and Brieflink: Inserts Lexis links to the citations in the uploaded document (courts are encouraging this, also convenient for a law firm memo, or you can upload opposing counsel's brief to easily access the cited documents.) It also can insert Shepard's links and signal indicators.
  • Lexis for Microsoft Office
    Shepardiing, quote checking, creating a table of authorities.
  • Shepard's Briefcheck (Lexis)
    Upload a document and Briefcheck checks quotes for accuracy, pulls all the documents cited.
  • Clerk by Judicata
    Software available for sale which critiques briefs and makes suggestions. It assesses the strength of arguments, quotation accuracy, suggests additional authorities and more. See this blog post. Currently California state law only.
  • Bloomberg Law Brief Analyzer
    Upload a brief 'to generate a report of the cited authorities and arguments contained in the brief, as well as a list of suggested content for review'.
  • Westlaw Edge Quick Check
    Upload your brief and the software will inform you of pertinent cases you may have missed by looking at the citations in the document you upload. Incorporates AI and machine learning. Leverages key numbers, keycite, statute annotations, secondary sources and customer usage.
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